2015—至今 东南大学建筑学院,副教授 2012—2015 东南大学建筑学院,讲师
1.建筑热性能:建筑节能技术,绿色建筑性能后评估及再提升 2.城市热环境:城市热岛效应,城市风环境,室内外空气品质
1.华英学者 2.东南大学优秀青年教师基金资助 3.夏安世教授奖学金“Heatcraft Awards” 4.东南大学优秀博士学位论文 5.指导本科生SRTP结题优秀
1. 《建筑物理1》,本科三年级 2. 《Building Technology》,全英文,海外班二年级 3. 《工地实习》,本科生二年级 4. 《Advanced Building Physics》,全英文,博士/硕士研究生,辅讲 5. 《建筑技术发展史》,研究生,(联合讲授) 6. 建筑课程设计、毕业设计、联合教学等
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:2014/01-2016/12,25万元,主持 2. 教育部博士点新教师基金:2014/01-2016/12,4万元,主持 3. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目:2013.07-2016.06,20万元,主持 3. 东南大学优秀青年教师科学研究基金,2016/01-2018/12,20万,主持 4. 国家重点研发计划子课题:2016/07-2020/06,30万元,主持 5. 东南大学高水平论文项目:2017.01-2018.12,8万元,主持 6. 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划:2013.01-2016.12,831万元,参与 7. 国家自然科学基金:2014.01-2017.12,80万元,参与
1.Xing Jin, Dongjie Shi, Mario A. Medina, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xiaosong Zhang. Optimal location of PCM layer in building walls under Nanjing (China) weather conditions. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017;129:1767-1778. (SCI, EI) 2.Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. Numerical analysis for the optimal location of a thin PCM layer in frame walls. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016;103:1057-1063. (SCI, EI) 3.Binghui Si, Zhichao Tian, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou, Peng Tang, Xing Shi. Performance indices and evaluation of algorithms in building energy efficient design optimization. Energy 2016;114:100-112. (SCI, EI) 4.Shuhong Li, Yingying Zhou, Kecheng Zhong, Xiaosong Zhang, Xing Jin. Thermal analysis of PCM-filled glass windows in hot summer and cold winter area. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2016;11(2):275-282. (EI) 5.Xing Shi, Zhichao Tian, Wenqiang Chen, Binghui Si, Xing Jin. A review on building energy efficient design optimization from the perspective of architects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2016;65:872-884. (SCI, EI) 6.Kai Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Experimental parametric study on the temperature distribution of an underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system with grille diffusers. Indoor and Built Environment 2016;25(5):748-757. (SCI, EI) 7.Xing Jin, Huoyan Hu, Xing Shi, Xiaosong Zhang. Energy asymmetry in melting and solidifying processes of PCM. Energy Conversion and Management 2015;106(12):608-614. (SCI, EI) 8.Xing Jin, Shuanglong Zhang, Xiaodong Xu, Xiaosong Zhang. Effects of PCM state on its phase change performance and the thermal performance of building walls. Building and Environment 2014;81(11):334-339. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 9.Xing Jin, Xiaodong Xu, Xiaosong Zhang, Yonggao Yin. Determination of the PCM melting temperature range using DSC. Thermochimica Acta 2014;595(11):17-21. (SCI, EI) 10.Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. On the placement of a phase change material thermal shield within the cavity of buildings walls for heat transfer rate reduction. Energy 2014;73(8):780-786. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 11.Xing Jin, Shuanglong Zhang, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. Experimental study of the cooling process of partially-melted sodium acetate trihydrate. Energy and Buildings 2014;76(06):654-660. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 12.Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuanglong Zhang. Phase-Change Characteristic Analysis of Partially Melted Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Using DSC. International Journal of Thermophysics 2014;35(01):45-52. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 13.Kai Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Experimental study on the characteristics of supply air for UFAD system with perforated tiles. Energy and Buildings 2014;80:1-6. 14.Kai Zhang, Xiaosong Zhang, Shuhong Li, Xing Jin. Review of underfloor air distribution technology. Energy and Buildings 2014;85:180-186. 15.Xing Jin, Mario A. Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. On the importance of the location of PCMs in building walls for enhanced thermal performance. Applied Energy 2013;106(06):72-78. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 16.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Thermal performance evaluation of the wall using heat flux time lag and decrement factor. Energy and Buildings 2012;47(4):369-374. (SCI, EI) 17.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Thermal analysis of a double layer phase change material floor. Applied Thermal Engineering 2011;31(10):1576-1581. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 18.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. A new evaluation method for zeotropic refrigerant mixtures based on the variance of the temperature difference between the refrigerant and heat transfer fluid. Energy Conversion and Management 2011;52(1):243-249. (SCI, EI) 19.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Yajun Luo. A calculation method for the floor surface temperature in radiant floor system. Energy and Buildings 2010;42(10):1753-1758. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 20.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Yajun Luo, Rongquan Cao. Numerical simulation of radiant floor cooling system: The effects of thermal resistance of pipe and water velocity on the performance. Building and Environment 2010;45(11):2545-2552. (SCI, EI) 表现不俗论文 21.金星, 张双龙, 张小松. 新戊二醇相变蓄能材料部分熔化时步冷试验研究. 流体机械. 2014;42(10):69-72+63. 22.金星,张小松,邱童等.透过玻璃窗的室内太阳辐射得热量测试研究. 太阳能学报. 2009;30(10):1203-1208. (EI) 23.金星,张小松,邱童等.不同朝向玻璃窗太阳辐射得热系数模拟与实验研究. 太阳能学报. 2009;30(12):1666-1671.(EI) 24.金星,张小松,曹熔泉. 地板辐射供冷系统的数值模拟.太阳能学报. 2010;31:732-737. (EI) 25.金星,李舒宏,张小松等. 太阳辐射得热量测试台测量不确定度和误差分析.化工学报. 2008;59(s2):154-158.(EI) 26.金星,张小松. 非共沸制冷剂在逆流换热器中温度窄点出现的判别方法.化工学报. 2009;60(4):848-854. (EI) 27.张小松, 夏燚, 金星. 相变蓄能建筑墙体研究进展. 东南大学学报(自然科学版). 2015;45(3):612-618. (EI) 28.曹毅然, 张小松, 金星, 邱童, 李德荣. 透过遮阳系统的室内太阳辐射得热量实验研究. 东南大学学报(自然科学版). 2009;39(6):1169-1173. (EI) 29.曹毅然, 张小松, 金星, 邱童, 李德荣. 新型遮阳系统太阳散射辐射的遮阳效果研究. 太阳能学报. 2011;32(1):95-100. (EI) 30.曹毅然, 张小松, 邱童, 金星, 李德荣. 新型遮阳系统遮阳效果测试研究. 建筑科学. 2009;25(6):33-37+42. 31.梁彩华, 张小松, 梅奎, 金星. 变冷冻水流量对冷水机组性能影响及其节能优化控制研究. 建筑科学. 2008;24(6):40-44. 32.金星,张小松. 温度参数对升温型溴化锂吸收式热泵性能系数影响程度分析.热科学与技术. 2008;7(1):83-87. 33.金星,张小松.风冷热泵机组部分负荷变工况下优化风量的初步研究.流体机械. 2008;36(4):63-67. 34.金星,张小松. 变频冷水机组部分负荷下冷却水定变流量性能研究.建筑科学. 2008;24(8):85-89.
1.Binghui Si, Xing Shi, Xing Jin, Xin Zhou. Performance Evaluation of Algorithms for Building Energy Optimization Problems with Specific Natures. Building Simulation 2017, San Francisco, USA. 2017.08.06-09. 2.Zhichao Tian, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xing Jin. Towards Adoption of Building Energy Efficient Design Optimization: Two Surveys. Building Simulation 2017, San Francisco, USA. 2017.08.06-09. 3.Xing Jin, Dongjie Shi, Huoyan Hu, Mario A. Medina, Xing Shi, Xin Zhou, Xiaosong Zhang. Optimal location of PCM layer in building walls under Nanjing (China) weather conditions, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy,Beijing, China. 2016.10.09-2016.10.12. 4.Xing Jin, Mario A Medina, Xiaosong Zhang. Numerical research on the optimal location of phase change material layer in frame walls for peak heat flux reduction. 6th International Building Physics Conference, Turin, Italy. 2015.6.14-2015.6.17. 5.金星, 张小松. 相变材料层位置对建筑墙体热性能影响的模拟分析. 第八届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会,成都. 2014.07.30-2014.08.01. 6.Huoya Hu, Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Effect of Supercooling on the Solidification Process of the Phase Change Material, 8th International Conference on Applied Energy. Beijing, China. 2016.10.09-2016.10.12. 7.施东杰, 金星, 张双龙, 张小松. 不同回填材料下单U型桩基埋管换热性能模拟研究. 全国建筑热工与节能专业委员会学术年会, 昆明. 2014.8.28-2014.8.29. 8.胡火岩, 金星, 张小松. 相变材料步冷过程模拟分析,第九届全国制冷空调新技术研讨会, 洛阳. 2016.08.04-2016.08.06. 9.金星,张小松. 三水醋酸钠部分熔化时相变特性分析 2011中国制冷学会年会,南京. 2011.10.23-2011.10.26. 10.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Numerical simulation of radiant floor heating/cooling system with phase change materials. 7th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality Ventilation & Energy Conservation in Buildings. Syracuse, USA. 2010.08.15-2010.08.18. (EI) 11.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. Simulation Study on the Performance of Constant and Variable Cooling Water Flow under Part Load for Scroll Chiller. Cryogenics and Refrigeration-Proceedings Shanghai, China. 2008 12.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang, Tong Qiu.Outdoor Calorimetric Test Facility for Solar Heat Gain through Glass Windows. Dalian: The First International Conference on Building Energy and Environment, 2008 13.Xing Jin, Xiaosong Zhang. A method based on the fluctuation of the temperature difference to select the zeotropic refrigerant in the air-conditioning condition. Beijing: UECTC'09-Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference - Renewable Energy. (EI) 14.Yiran Cao, Xiaosong Zhang, Weihua Yang, Xing Jin, Tong Qiu. Comparison with Shading Effect for Solar Diffuse Radiation between East and West through a Venetian Shading System. 6th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning. Nanjing, China. 2009.11.06-2009.11.09.
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